About Microbiome Restore

MicroBiome Restore
Probiotic / Prebiotic / Complete Mineral Formula
The Most Complete Supplement of its Kind
With 26 Different Probiotic Strains
Over 80 Trace Minerals / Elements
Blended in a Proprietary Prebiotic Mix

60 Capsules
Serving Size: 2 capsules once daily(1,470 mg. minimum)
Servings Per Day: 1 / Per Container: 30
One Month Supply – $44.99
[Directions: Take 2 capsules per day with water, food, or as directed by your health care professional]
Refrigeration not required

When evaluating Probiotic supplements, there are several factors that decide which will be the most beneficial for your body. The number one factor is the number of actual bacterial strains (number of different bacteria) that will come in to your body and colonize (live and thrive). As you’ll read below it’s not only important to have a certain number of Colony Forming Units (CFU’s) but also to be able to sustain those CFU’s with the proper food and nutrition. Would you send Astronauts to Space without food? Unfortunately, that’s what many other probiotic supplements do. Not only do they have a low probiotic strain diversity, but they are also loaded with cheap fillers and low quality prebiotics. This means that the bacteria in these probiotics will have nothing to live on, and they will die off quickly. This can contribute to Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), which can have serious health consequences.

Does your current probiotic have any of these cheap or harmful ingredients?

- Silica (potentially harmful, indigestible filler)
- Inulin (indigestible carbohydrate filler)
- Cellulose (indigestible wood pulp)
- Microcrystalline cellulose (refined indigestible wood pulp)
- Magnesium stearate (machine lubricant/excipient)
- Vegetable stearate (biological form of magnesium stearate from plants)
- Oligosaccharides (cheap prebiotics with poor micronutrient profiles)


If your probiotic supplement contains any of the above ingredients, it is a sign of a low-quality product that does not contain the appropriate micronutrients to sustain you or the bacteria it delivers. MicroBiome Restore™ contains everything the bacteria need to colonize, feed and sustain themselves in the body. This allows the bacteria in your gut to develop into a healthy ecosystem, discouraging any particular strain from dominating the others. With over 80 trace minerals and certified organic prebiotics, MicroBiome Restore™ feeds every single bacteria a complete diet of macronutrients and micronutrients, ensuring that the community of organisms living in your gut is healthy and thriving.


MicroBiome Restore™ was developed to address the ecological and epidemiological nightmare that has been created by a food system awash in toxic rescue chemistry (1) — herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, fungicides, etc. and their metabolites, poisoning the general public and polluting water supplies (2) — of which the most damaging may be products that contain glyphosate. (3) Added to this is the plague of increasingly stronger antibiotics and their metabolites, which also contribute to the problem. (4)


All animals, humans included, have a symbiotic relationship with microbes. (5) In fact, there are vital nutrients that humans cannot obtain in proper quantities without them. (6) As the food supply has become increasingly hostile to the maintenance of proper microbial balance, so has the need for probiotic and prebiotic supplementation in order to ward off the diseases and degenerative conditions that microbial imbalance inevitably brings. (7) Although proper food selections and reliance on organic sources can help minimize these effects, they by no means provide complete protection. (8)


Why Probiotics Need Minerals & Why Good Mineral Absorption Requires Probiotics


It has been known for many years that bacteria, the microscopic animals that they are, have mineral nutritional requirements, just like we do. (9) It has also been established that microbes are ubiquitous in our geophysical environment and among its most transformative agents, leaving no element untouched. (10) They are even capable of neutralizing radioactive materials, like cesium, “which they transmute to stable, non-radioactive elements.” (11)


Conversely, those with even an elementary knowledge of probiotics know that certain bacteria (in this case, Lactobacilli, as found in MicroBiome Restore) are vital to human nutrient by enhancing the production of Vitamins A, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, K, biotin, and bile acids. (12) Fewer know that bacteria play an important role in making vital minerals like calcium bioavailable for better assimilation. (13)(14) Many probiotics use indigestible carbohydrates like oligofructose,


galactooligosaccharides and inulin to “bind and sequester the minerals and these carbohydrate-mineral complexes pass unabsorbed through the small intestine onto the colon when the minerals are released from the complex and absorbed.” (15) This can be devastating to bacterial colonies, since many micronutrients are necessary for their reproduction, and your eventual digestion when they die.


The Scope of Man’s True Mineral Nutrient
Requirements Has Been Dramatically Understated
By Orthodox Nutrition & Regulatory Authorities

What does the USDA include in our daily mineral requirements? To the present date, the only minerals recognized as warranting consideration as human nutrients and/or nutritional labeling by the orthodox community are: boron, calcium, chromium, copper, fluoride, iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, phosphorus, selenium, vanadium, and zinc, or fifteen elements. (16) The USDA recognizes the following minerals as nutrients: calcium, copper, flouride, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, sodium, and zinc, or eleven elements. (17) By contrast, the U.S. FDA, for the purposes of labelling, recognizes the following: sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, magnesium, zinc, selenium, copper, manganese, chromium, molybdenum, and chloride, or fourteen elements. (18) Were one to believe these institutions, one would conclude that man’s mineral nutritional needs are on par with house plants. (19)


What a coalescence of time, thought, observation, experimentation, and genius have taught us, however, is that we are not house plants. For optimal health, our needs are different. Our mineral requirements are much more varied, something that is reflected in the omnivorous human dietary smorgasbord that one finds as they travel the world. (20)

The human genome doesn’t call for 11 or 14 or 15 officially-recognized minerals. It calls for at least 64 . . . and the probiotics necessary to maximize their absorption. (21)

Many of the most vital minerals necessary for normal human function are not even recognized by officialdom — not by government officials, dietitians, nutritionists, or the rest of the official medical establishment. Indeed, the average person is not even familiar with these minerals, if they have heard of them at all — ever. And, of course, examples abound:


For example, yttrium (element 39) is vital to normal brain function — whose absence or deficiency leads to the body choosing calcium as a substitute, which itself leads to calcification. Lou Gehrig’s disease, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, and Parkinson’s disease “all relate to yttium deficiency.” (22) (These conditions respond to yttrium-based Bifidobacterium bifidum, an important bacterium in the MicroBiome Restore formula.)


Another completely overlooked mineral — critical to human functioning, is lanthanum (element 57). Our DNA code “calls for mass amounts of the stuff.” So vital is this element that it is called for 36,356,923 times in the sequenced genome — that we know of. (23)


Vanadium (element 23) was proven to be an essential mineral in 1971, and its deficiency is associated with “slow growth, increased infant mortality, infertility, elevated cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, hypoglycemia, hyperinsulinemia, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and obesity.” (24)


It is beyond the scope of product introduction to delineate every human mineral need, but it is worth noting that even mineral supplementation advocate, Dr. Joel Wallach, whose work preceded that of Dr. Richard Olree by over a decade, noted that of the 79 minerals detected in human and animal tissue, at least 60 were worth considering as “essential.” This statement is supported by thousands of scientific studies. (25)


All these “proposed” essential minerals play prominently in the MicroBiome Restore formula, coming from four separate mineral sources — three of them concentrated sea vegetables from Iceland and Maine: Norwegian kelp (Ascophyllum nosodum), Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), Oarweed (Laminaria digitata), and “Middle Earth” mineral salts from Ecuador. Note: the sea vegetables used in MicroBiome Restore are Certified Organic.


The Importance of Prebiotics:
Putting It All Together


In addition to its mineral probiotic support, MicroBiome Restore contains a superior, bioactive form of Leonardite (with a 15% Fulvic acid content) to help feed and nourish the probiotics in the formula. Humic acid is also important, in the form of humate. Our humate source is fossilized peat, derived from ancient freshwater plants. It is highly bioactive, unlike other forms of Leonardite, which have broad industrial applications, but are less unsuitable for human consumption, if suitable at all. Many probiotics do not include prebiotic ingredients, and instead use cellulose or other indigestible fillers. Many probiotics can cause small intestinal gut overgrowth (SIBO) when the bacteria are unable to build and sustain balanced colonies in the small intestine. By having a variety of different bacterial strains and a diverse prebiotic blend, MicroBiome Restore encourages an ecosystem free of small intestinal bacterial overgrowth.


Additionally, we include this form of humate, because it is effective in sequestering heavy metals, which can be found even in organically-grown sea vegetation. (26)

We feel this is the best combination for a fully functioning, broad-based probiotic / prebiotic / mineralization formula.

MicroBiome Restore
Probiotic/Prebiotic/Mineral Formulation
26 Probiotic Strains
80 Organic Minerals and Elements,
including Humic and Fulvic Acids,
in a proprietary blend of Certified Organic Prebiotics

The beneficial bacteria in MicroBiome Restore (listed below by species) are all Class I bacterial agents as rated by the American Type Culture Collection Catalogue in Rockville, Maryland (USA). In the U.S., these are legal under the Federal Register, Vol. 54 #38, 1989. Class 1 bacteria are rated as “of no or minimal hazard under ordinary conditions.”

These are LIVE organisms. While refrigeration is not required, it is recommended that MicroBiome Restore is kept in a cool environment to ensure the lifespan of this product.

Primary Probiotic Organisms:

Bifidobacterium bifidum 
Bifidobacterium breve 
Bifidobacterium infantis 
Bifidobacterium lactis 
Bifidobacterium longum 
Lactobacillus acidophilus 
Lactobacillus casei 
Lactobacillus fermentum 
Lactobacillus gasseri 
Lactobacillus paracasei 
Lactobacillus plantarum 
Lactobacillus reuteri 
Lactobacillus rhamnosus 
Lactobacillus salivarius 
Streptococcus thermophilus
Secondary Probiotic Strains from Soil-based Organisms (SBO’s):

Arthrobacter globiformis 
Azotobacter chroococcum 
Azotobacter paspali 
Azospirillum brasiliencise 
Azospirillum lipoferum 
Bacillus brevis 
Bacillus pumilus 
Bacillus subtilis 
Pseudomonas flourescens 
Pseudomonas putida 
Streptomyces griseoflavus 
Average Microbiological Assay / Standard
• Coliforms — negative
• E. Coli — negative
• Salmonella — negative

Minimum Total Plate Count for Primary Probiotic Organisms
• 15 billion / CFU* / dosage

* CFU = Colony Forming Units. In practical terms, the minimum number of separable cells on the surface of or in semi-solid agar medium which gives rise to a visible colony of progeny. CFUs may consist of pairs, chains and clusters as well as single cells.

Prebiotic Blend
MicroBiome Restore uses a specifically mined type of leonardite for its primary base material.

Our leonardite possesses many of the same functionary properties as Shilajit in India, which has been prized for millennia for its healthful properties.

Our leonardite’s primary composition is natural, organic humates, with a high percentage (15%) of bioactive fulvic acid, upon which healthful bacteria thrive. The primary constituent of the leonardite in MicroBiome Restore (as there are different grades) is humic acid, a bio-stimulant and itself the result of years of organic decomposition. It provides healthy bacteria with a carbon source.

MicroBiome Restore is approximately 48% leonardite.

The sea vegetables that compose the remaining mass of the Prebiotic Blend are listed in detail below the mineral composition section.

Mineral Composition:
MicroBiome Restore contains the following elements and trace minerals, the majority (by weight) in easy-to-absorb organic form. Some of these, especially the heavier “metals,” occur in extremely minute amounts, measureable in parts per billion, or even smaller — and yet they all contribute to the restoration of the genetic code:

Group I Alkali Metals: Lithium, Sodium, Potassium, Rubidium, and Cesium
Group II Alkaline Earth Metals: Berylium, Magnesium, Calcium, Strontium, and Barium.
Group III Transition Metals: Scandium and Yttrium
Lanthanoids : Lanthanum, Cerium, Praseodymium, Neodymium, Promethium, Samarium, Europium, Gadolinium, Terium, Dysprosium, Holmium, Erbium, Thulium, Ytterbium and Lutetium
Group IV Transition Metals: Titanium, Zirconium and Hafnium
Group V Transition Metals: Vanadium, Niobium, Tantalum
Group VI Transition Metals: Chromium, Molybenum, and Tungsten
Group VII Transition Metals: Manganese, Technetium, Rhenium
Group VIII Transition Metals: Iron, Ruthenium, Osmium
Group IX Transition Metals: Cobalt, Rhodium, and Iridium
Group X Transition Metals: Nickel, Palladium, and Platinum
Group XI Transition Metals: Copper, Silver and Gold.
Group XII Transition Metals: Zinc, Cadmium, and Mercury.
Group XIII Elements: Boron, Aluminium, Gallium, Indium, Thalium
Group XIV Elements: Carbon, Silicon, Germanium, Tin, and Lead
Group XV Elements: Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Arsenic, Antimony and Bismuth
Group XVI Elements: Sulfur, Selenium, and Tellurium
Group XVII Elements (Halogens): Fluorine, Chlorine, Bromine, and Iodine
Group XVIII (Compounds incorporating noble gases): Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, and Xenon

MicroBiome Restore tests out as follows for the most important minerals in human nutrition. Note that quantities below are based on “per serving” (1,470 mg.). See COA:

Calcium: 31.3 mg
Potassium: 43.5 mg
Sodium: 34.7 mg
Chloride: 0.04 mg
Iron: 3.03 mg
Phosphorus: 2.14 mg
Magnesium: 5.14 mg
Zinc: 83.7 mcg
Copper: 75 mcg
Manganese: 368.9 mcg
Chromium: 2.96 mcg
Molybenum: 10.4 mcg
Selenium: 3.81 mcg

All these essential minerals play prominently in the MicroBiome Restore formula, coming from the proprietary Prebiotic Blend of four separate mineral sources. Three of them concentrated sea vegetables from Iceland and Maine: Norwegian kelp (Ascophyllum nosodum), Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), Oarweed (Laminaria digitata), and Leonardite containing Humic and Fulvic acids from Ecuador. The sea vegetables used for the Prebiotic Blend in MicroBiome Restore are Certified Organic.

Ingredients: Bioactive leonardite; Mineral Blend [Norwegian kelp (Ascophyllum nosodum), Bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus), Oarweed (Laminaria digitata), and Leonardite containing Humic and Fulvic acids from Ecuador]; MicroBiome Restore Probiotic Blend (see list above for the list of 26 specific strains); probiotic substrate (dextrose and/or wheat germ and sea salt).


“Toxic rescue chemistry” is a term frequently used by the late Charles Walters and is central to the organization he left behind, Acres USA. It describes the array of artificial soil amendments that became the center piece of modern farming following WW II. One day people will look back at our era and wonder how we could have thought we could employ such a vast array of toxic chemicals on our fields and somehow, as if by magic, this poisoning of the earth would not end up poisoning us . . .
The residue from PPCP’s (pharmaceutical and personal care products) in the water table is well-documented. (See also, Washington Hydrogeological study (2012)
See the Institute of Science in Society’s report, Why Glyphosate Should Be Banned. See Scientific American, “(Glyphosate) Proves Deadling to Human Cells.” (2009) or report by BioMed Central, Concerns over use of glyphosate-based herbicides and risks associated with exposures: a concensus statement.
See report by YaleEnvironment360, As Pharmaceutical Use Soars, Drugs Taint Water and Wildlife. Although the EU’s Science for Environment Policy’s Environmental concentrations of antibiotics are potentially damaging to aquatic life seems limited in scope, it is obvious that the proliferation of antibiotics and their metabolites are damaging across all ecosystems. In 2015, The Scientist weighted in with Drugging the Environment, which states “Antibiotics in the environment promote antibiotic resistance in a range of bacterial species, and endocrine disruptors are known to affect development and reproduction in animals.” It becomes evident that each person has to guard themselves against this growing threat when completing the fact that environmental agencies (or at least the U.S. EPA cited in the article) “does not regulate even a single human pharmaceutical in drinking water.” In all of this we should recognize that the war against microbes is a microcosm of our Age’s war against nature: competition vs. cooperation. See also Marc Lappe’s Germs That Won’t Die: Medical Consequences of the Misuse of Antibiotics, ISBN:0-385-15093-8.
See Host Bacterial Symbiosis in Health and Disease (2010)
See Effects of Gut Microbes on Nutrient Absorption and Energy Regulation (2012). So also Contributions of Intestinal Bacteria to Nutrition and Metabolism in the Critically Ill — this latter article breaks down microbiota’s effects by nutrient group.
Walters, Charles, Fertility from the Ocean Deep, Acres USA, Austin, Tx, 2005; p. 73-77. ISBN: 978-0-911311-79-2. Schroeder, Henry A., M.S., The Trace Elements and Man: Some Positive and Negative Aspects, Devin-Adair Company, Old Greenwich, CT, 1973; Chap. 2: The Beginnings of Life and Its Development to Man. LOC 72-85732.
Wallach, Joel D. BS, DVM, ND; Ma Lan, MD, MS, Rare Earths: Forbidden Cures, Double Happiness Publishing Co., Bonita, Ca, 1994. ISBN 0-9701490-8-5. The entire monogram is a tour-de-force on the vital role of minerals, macro and trace, that are missing from the modern diet, and the fact that “the elemental raw materials of life (are) no longer found in our food.” (p. xix)
Years ago, one group of researchers focused on LAB (lactic acid bacteria) and found that minerals increased the strength, power, and resourcefulness of these organisms. “(Their) . . . investigations have shown that potassium is required for growth of Streptococcus faecalis, and Lactobacillus casei, while magnesium and manganese are essential for growth of Lactobacillus plantarum and is Lactobacillus casein, and various other lactic acid bacteria.” Orla-Jensen, S., K. Danske Vidensk. Selak., Biol. Skrifter, 2, No. 3, 1943. More controversially, Professor C. Louis Kervran shows that bacterial agents were huge contributors to a process of “biological transmutation,” changing elements one to another, in accordance with the needs of the host. (I first wrote about this in discussing how Bone Builder worked in 2002.) However, a plentitude of the right minerals adds to the building blocks that bacteria have to work with, in addition to insuring their optimal nutrition.
” . . . virtually all elements in the periodic table (including actinides, lanthanides, radionuclides) can be accumulated by or be associated with microbial biomass depending on the context and environment.”Metals, minerals, and microbes: geomicrobiology and bioremediation Geoffrey Michael Gadd, Division of Molecular Microbiology, College of Life Sciences, University of Dundee, Dundee, UK. Microbiology (2010), 156, p. 609-643. Citation taken from p. 610.
This finding was the result of the work of Ukrainian scientists, Vladimir Vysotskii and A. Kornikova. See: Edmund Storms on “Biological Transmutation.”
Chaitow, Leon and Treney, Natasha. Probiotics: How Live Yogurt and Other ‘Friendly Bacteria’ Can Restore Health and Vitality, Hohn Press, Scottsdale, AZ. (1995). p. 40-41. See also: Role of intestinal bacteria in nutrient metabolism (Sage Journals / 1997).
Effect of Probiotics Supplementation on Bone Mineral Content and Bone Mass Density (2014)
Bacteria produce phytaze enzyme, which can release minerals depressed by phytate, resulting in increased availability of minerals including calcium See : Efficacy of supplementation of a phytase-producing bacterial culture on the performance and nutrient use of broiler chickens fed corn-soybean meal diets.
“Role of probiotics in facilitating mineral absorption” under Probiotics 101: What Effect Can Probiotics Cause On Mineral Absorption
Dietary Reference Intake (DRI’s): Elements. Issued by the U.S. Food & Nutrition Board, Institute of Medicine, National Academies.
USDA Food Composition Databases,
U.S. FDA — Guidance for Industry: A Food Labeling Guide
There are several botanical authorities on this point. One such noteworthy resource is The Garden Doctor by Jacob R. Mittleider, who took the time to meticulously study the effects of deficiency of each of a plant’s required fifteen elements: nitrogen, calcium, phosphorus, chlorine, potassium, magnesium, copper, manganese, zinc, sulfur, iron, boron, and molybdenum.
Of particular interest are the dissimilarity of diets of indigenous people that Dr. Weston Price covered in his landmark work, Nutrition & Physical Degeneration (1939). Yet they all had in common unique elements of proper mineral and probiotic inputs.
Walters, Charles. Minerals for the Genetic Code, Acres U.S.A., Austin, TX. (2006). p. 63.
Ibid, p. 62.
Ibid, p. 63, 95.
Ibid, Wallach, Joel D., Rare Earths: Forbidden Cures, p. 412.
Wallach, Joel D., Dead Doctors Don’t Lie, Legacy Communications Group, Inc., 1999. p. 215. ISBN 1-880692-40-6.
See: Lignitic Humic Acids as Environmentally-Friendly Adsorbent for Heavy Metals, (2017) See also, Hungarian Heavy Metal Detoxification Studies of Humic Acid.